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Cerulean Incorporated

Cerulean, Inc. is a corporate training and consulting company registered in Guyana, South America since April 2012. Our service offering, is a response to the many problems facing small businesses , as we yearn to help businesses become successful.

We offer training and consulting services in Service Quality, Event Management, Small Business Management, Entrepreneurship, Project Management, Strategic Planning and Effective Communication. We facilitate corporate retreats and offer business facilitation services to regional and international companies wishing to conduct business in Guyana and the Caribbean. Cerulean Inc., is an approved training company of the Small Business Bureau.

The company is managed by Lyndell Danzie-Black - a Global Event and Project Manager with over 25 years of combined experience. Lyndell held various positions prior to commencing her entrepreneurial journey such as Regional Coordinator - Caribbean Centre for Organizational Excellence, managed a CARICOM project on the redevelopment and reconstruction of Haiti. Ms Danzie-Black was also the Program Director for Youth Build International, YouthBiz592 Program in Guyana. Ms Danzie-Black also lectured at the University of Guyana, in the areas of Private Sector Environment, Project Design, World Tourism and Tourism Dissertation.

Additionally, Cerulean Inc. has managed various project for international companies such as ExxonMobil Community Outreach Project in Mainstay, Essequibo Coast, a project of ExxonMobil's Corporate Citizenship Program. Cerulean Inc also worked with the Caribbean Development Bank project managed by the Georgetown Chamber of Industry and Commerce on branding nine entrepreneurs within the creative industries in becoming export ready.

Cerulean Inc., continues to play a pivotal role in the mentoring of entrepreneurs, having successfully monitored and evaluated several Microfinance Entrepreneurial Projects, to result in impressive and profitable new enterprises. We mentored women entrepreneurs under the World Bank project – Women Innovation Network of the Caribbean and current Ms. Danzie-Black is a vice president of the Women Entrepreneurship Network of the Caribbean.

Empresa/Nome: Cerulean Inc
Empresa/Endereço: Block XX Mandela Avenue, Meadowbrook Gardens
Empresa/Telefone: +5922264650
Sua empresa foi registrada no registro de comércio ou em registro nacional ? Sim/Não : No
Em caso afirmativo, o seu número de registo : 123456
Nome da organização:: Cerulean Inc
País: Guyana
Cidade: Georgetown
Se lhe pedirmos que nos envie uma cópia dos documentos oficiais que comprovam este registo? Sim/Não: Yes

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